
How much time have you saved using Mirror?

Time saved When Number of updates
Unknown Today Unknown
Unknown Past week Unknown
Unknown Past month Unknown
Unknown Since you started using Mirror Unknown

Average APK build and deploy time of all your projects: Unknown. The actual timing are calculated per project based on its average build time.

How are these numbers calculated? Simple:

Time saved = N x T - MT


  • N = number of updates sent to devices by Mirror

  • T = average time to build and deploy (install) a full APK onto a device

  • MT = total time Mirror has spent on preparing and sending these updates to devices.

For each of your projects, Mirror records these numbers in a local database. Full APK build time is retrieved using Android Studio’s API, while the deploy time is estimated based on our experiments using APKs of various sizes (roughly at 0.5 seconds per MB). We use “N x T” as the baseline because without Mirror, you’d have to build and deploy the full APK every time to see the changes on the device. The rest is elementary math.